Discover a world of wonders at Cirque du Soleil’s European Premiere of Kurios: Cabinet of Curiosities. Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the iconic Royal Albert Hall, this steam-punk-inspired spectacle flies in to London January 2023. In an alternate yet familiar past a Seeker discovers that in order to glimpse the marvels that lie below the surface we must first learn to close our eyes and trust our imaginations. In his larger-than-life curio cabinet, the Seeker is convinced that ther e exists a hidden, invisible world, a place where the craziest ideas and grandest dreams await. A collection of otherworldly characters suddenly step into his makeshift mechanical world and jump to life one by one before his very eyes. Seeing is dis believing with Kurios, gasp at the daring acrobatics, clever contortion and breath-taking talent of Cirque du Soleil that will delight all ages.
Book TicketsCirque du Soleil: Kurios
Cirque du Soleil returns to the Royal Albert Hall with Kurios: Cabinet of Curiosities!
OfferWas £127.50 Now £102 Saving £25
From £113.00
Valid for selected performances between 19 February - 5 March 2023.
Book by 10 AM 22 February 2023.